You know that feeling when the lights come up at a show, and you’re like, “Woah. What is going to happen in Act II?” Well, that’s how I and many others feel about the theatre industry right now. We’ve found ourselves in an unexpected intermission. This podcast explores what might come next.

Emily on the Lincoln Center campus.

Emily on the Lincoln Center campus.


Hi everyone! I’m Emily Kling and this is The Big Intermission, a podcast about the future of the theatre industry. A little bit about me: I’ve worked for the Hangar Theatre in Ithaca, NY, Roundabout Theatre Company, and Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Currently, I’m pursuing my MBA degree at the Yale School of Management (where I’m also a co-producer for my business school’s podcast, Career Conversations). I started this podcast because theatre is near and dear to my heart, and I know it’s going to return. What will it look like? Now, that’s the question.

If you believe that you or someone you know might be a good fit to be featured on The Big Intermission, please reach out.